Living in a smaller home might seem like a scary idea, but it actually comes with some great health benefits. Here are 5 of them.
One of the biggest advantages of downgrading into a smaller home is that it reduces stress. This is due to the fact that you don’t feel the need to upkeep and maintain such a large property if you are an empty nester.
Reduced Stress
Living in a larger home often comes with a lot of stress. Keeping up with cleaning, repairs, furnishing, taxes and gardening can all take their toll. The larger the home, the more furniture and belongings you will have to fill up the home. It all comes with a cost and a lot more stress as well. Moving out with removalists will cost more in a larger home too.
Reducing stress can help you feel happier and healthier in many ways. A few simple coping strategies include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising and meditating.
In addition to self-care strategies, you can also look to other people in your life for support and encouragement. Talking to friends and family can be a great way to resolve stressful situations and build positive relationships.
Increased Physical Activity
You may think having a larger home will increase your physical activity by moving from room to room, however, by living in a smaller property the rooms are smaller and you will find that it helps you move more often so you are constantly changing your view. Increasing physical activity is one of the most important things we can do to protect our health. It helps us think, feel and sleep better, prevent and manage many chronic diseases, and increase our quality of life.
Insufficient levels of physical activity are a major public health problem globally. This is due to a combination of sedentary behavior during leisure time and in everyday work, as well as the increased use of passive modes of transport.
Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity per week (as recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition) is vital for good health. It is also a great way to boost mental health by improving brain function and reducing the risk of anxiety and depression.
Improved Air Quality
Air quality is a major factor in health, especially for those with respiratory issues or asthma. It also contributes to other health problems, such as fatigue and sleepiness.
Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to improve the air quality in your home. One of the easiest ways to start is by removing sources of indoor air pollution from your home. Having a smaller home allows you to cross ventilate a bit better than that of a larger home.
Another way to improve your air quality is by allowing more outdoor air into your home through windows and doors. You can even open your bathroom or kitchen vents to help increase the rate of air coming through.
Better Sleep
Getting enough sleep is essential to good health. It can reduce stress, improve mood and boost energy levels, making it an important part of any healthy lifestyle.
Being an empty nester, larger homes can often feel too grand and open and can make you feel less safe. One of the best ways to get a better night’s rest is by maintaining a consistent bedtime and wake-up routine. A smaller home will give you a sense of feeling of being more aware, more enclosed and safer allowing your body to self-regulate and get that much needed sleep.
There are a number of scientifically proven tips and tricks that will help you achieve the optimal amount of sleep for you, but the first thing to do is making sure the environment in which you live in allows you to feel safe
Increased Social Interaction
Studies show that social interaction is essential for human health and well-being. Interactions between people are the smallest building blocks of interpersonal social networks and can play a significant role in forming functional relationships and reducing mental health issues.
By living in a smaller home, you allow yourself to be closer in proximity to your neighbors, which means there will be a higher chance of social interaction.
So, if you are close to retirement age or simply an empty nester and would like to move into a smaller home, you can be sure it will provide it can make you a lot healthier.